12 known warning signs of vasculitis
Vasculitis is a general term used to describe a group of conditions that can damage the blood vessels due to inflammation and swelling. Depending on the part of the body it affects and the symptoms it exhibits, it can be classified into different types, like Buerger’s Disease, Cogan Syndrome, and hypersensitivity vasculitis, among others. This article explores some of the warning signs of vasculitis so one can stay informed and seek medical intervention promptly. The most general signs and symptoms of vasculitis include fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches and pains. Other signs and symptoms are related to the part of the body it affects, which include: Gastrointestinal tract When vasculitis affects the digestive system (organs like the esophagus, stomach, and intestines), one may experience symptoms such as open sores in the mouth or stomach area, diarrhea, vomiting, blood, and pain in the abdominal region. Ears and nose When the ears and nose are affected by vasculitis, individuals may experience sinus infections, inner ear infections, a runny nose, dizziness, hearing loss, ringing in the ear, or even deafness. Eyes When it affects the eyes, vasculitis may cause symptoms such as redness, itching, burning, and vision changes. Those with giant cell arteritis may also experience double vision or temporary or permanent blindness in one or both eyes.
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