4 simple ways to reduce the risks associated with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes is a condition wherein the blood sugar levels in one’s body are higher than the standard limit. Among the commonly known types of situations, type 2 diabetes affects millions of people each year. In type 2 diabetes, the body does not make insulin (a vital compound that breaks down glucose from food to convert into energy). In some cases, the body is unable to absorb the insulin, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. It is easy to prevent type 2 diabetes and delay any complications that might arise out of condition. Have a look at what medical professionals recommend for patients of varying ages. Weight loss and management Being obese or overweight increases the risk of diabetes significantly. It is one of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes and complications associated with the condition. Weight management effectively starts with shedding those excess pounds first and then planning an active lifestyle that prevents further weight gain. Even losing just 7-10% of current body weight can reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes by half. Limit smoking and alcohol consumption Research indicates that consuming moderate amounts of alcohol, the recommended limit for men and women, actually helps insulin to break down the glucose cells.
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