6 signs that indicate progressing dementia
Dementia is a term used to describe symptoms affecting a person’s memory, communication, analytical skills, and overall cognitive function. The condition has no cure, and the symptoms progress further affecting daily routine triggered by abrupt changes in mood and behavior. Many of the signs and symptoms of dementia tend to overlap with known neurological disorders, making it necessary for everyone to be aware of the 6 glaring signs of dementia discusses in this article. Reduced cognitive abilities The trouble with memory is one of the more common and prominent signs of dementia ranging from forgetting things more often or even recalling forgotten things at a later stage. Here, it is common for a person to experience serious inconsistencies when it comes to memory. Severe dementia can also prompt a person to ask questions repeatedly, even if they have already gotten the answer to their queries. Memory loss and reduced ability to analyze, compute and calculate are cognitive problems affecting daily routine as dementia progresses. Abrupt personality changes Dementia significantly affects personality as the symptoms worsen over time. Increased anxiety, confusion, and unexplained fear are all common signs triggered by a neurological disorder. Frequent mood swings, reduced interest in favorite activities, and irrational suspicion develop abruptly, triggering severe personality changes.
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