7 common early symptoms of pregnancy
The surest way of knowing whether you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. That being said, there are a few early signs and symptoms that work as near-conclusive indicators of pregnancy. Although they may vary ever-so-slightly from one woman to another, most of the symptoms are consistent and have been noted for decades. Here are some common early symptoms of pregnancy: 1. Missed period The biggest hint of pregnancy for women with a regular monthly menstrual cycle is a missed period. This is also the first sign of pregnancy and a common first-trimester symptom. However, this can be misleading in case of an irregular menstrual cycle, and a pregnancy test would be advised for confirmation. 2. Cramping and spotting Nearly 10 to 14 days after conception, implantation bleeding begins. This happens due to the blastocyst, the embryo in its early stages of its development, sticks to the lining of the uterus. It is marked by bleeding, usually similar to menstrual bleeding, but relatively lesser. Abdominal cramping may also be associated with implantation bleeding, which mostly lasts for less than three days. 3. Nausea Again, this differs from woman to woman but is another classic sign of pregnancy. It usually happens one month into the pregnancy and can strike almost at any time of the day.
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