Multiple sclerosis – Foods to avoid for managing the symptoms
Multiple sclerosis is a prevalent neurological disorder where the immune system destroys the nerves’ protective covering. Those with this health condition must follow a proper nutrition plan apart from doctor-recommended treatments for a better quality of life. Poor food habits can lead to inflammatory changes, worsening the disease and increasing the intensity and frequency of symptoms like fatigue and cognitive alterations. Here are a few foods to avoid when suffering from multiple sclerosis. Saturated fats Research suggests multiple sclerosis symptoms can aggravate if one consumes too much animal-sourced saturated fats. Therefore, one must avoid foods like beef and pork. These foods can also increase cholesterol levels as well as the risk of cardiovascular diseases, leading to further complications. It is recommended to have not more than 13 grams of saturated fats daily, including plant-sourced saturated fats. Sugar One should make a conscious effort to avoid items high in sugar, such as candy and cake. These foods can lead to massive fluctuations in blood glucose levels, leading to fatigue and worsening symptoms. Refined sugar is more harmful and can have severe consequences. Managing blood sugar can get tricky since specific treatments for this condition also lead to spikes. Hence, one can consult with a doctor to create a low-sugar meal plan based on their situation.
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