Top 5 decluttering mistakes to avoid

Top 5 decluttering mistakes to avoid

A clutter-free lifestyle and having a clean and organized home are not just crucial for visual appeal, these measures also impact your mental and emotional health. However, decluttering requires considerable time and patience, especially when you have accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. If you are planning to take on decluttering your home, don’t fret; here are a few common decluttering mistakes to avoid for a mess-free space:

Not having a plan
One of the biggest decluttering mistakes is not having a plan. Before you start cleaning up and organizing stuff, spend some time figuring out what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. Decide on a goal, such as decluttering your closet, and make a plan of action. This might involve setting aside a specific amount of time each day to work on decluttering or breaking down the task into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Not sorting as per categories
Another common decluttering mistake to avoid is not sorting items into categories. Instead, people often move from room to room, decluttering as they go. While this approach may work for some, it can be inefficient and lead to disorganization. So, you can consider sorting items into categories such as clothes, books, and electronics and work on decluttering one category at a time.

Not labeling garbage bags
While decluttering, it is important to segregate trash from other items. Many make the mistake of throwing away things that could be recycled or donated. Others leave piles of garbage bags lying around, creating an unsightly mess. To avoid these issues, label the garbage bags to hold items you plan to throw away and separate them into categories such as recycling, trash, and hazardous waste. This will make it easier to dispose of items and keep your home clean and organized.

Holding onto unnecessary items
Many people have trouble letting go of items that no longer serve them. This could include old clothes, broken electronics, or items of sentimental value. While it can be tough to let go of these things, holding onto them can lead to clutter and make it harder to find necessary things. One way to overcome this is to ask whether each item brings value to your life. If not, consider donating, selling, or throwing it away.

Not donating or selling items
Donating or selling everyday items is an excellent way to get rid of clutter and make some extra cash. However, many people don’t have a system in place to deal with such items. This can lead to piles of stuff waiting to be sold or donated, creating more clutter. One way to avoid this is to have a designated area for items you plan to donate or sell. Use garbage bags to hold these items, and set a deadline for when you will take them to the donation center or sell them online.

Decluttering may seem time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be if you recognize these decluttering mistakes and avoid them. Further, you should have a system in place to get rid of the clutter once it has been sorted. This will help you keep the space clean and prevent clutter from accumulating again. 

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