7 warning signs of poor lung health

7 warning signs of poor lung health

People often overlook a persistent cough or mucus build-up in the throat amid their busy schedules. But these could be symptoms of developing lung conditions. The lungs are vital organs that keep us healthy and ensure the human body’s proper functioning. Several factors, from pollution and radiation to infection, can affect the lungs. Therefore, one should learn about the warning signs that indicate poor lung health and take steps to protect the organ.

Signs of poor lung health
Lung diseases like asthma, COPD, and lung cancer progress slowly. By being aware of their signs, one can get timely diagnosis and treatment and prevent complications. Here, we have listed seven common warning signs that indicate the lungs are not functioning correctly:

Difficulty breathing
Lung function usually declines with age, so one may have trouble breathing as they grow older. However, when a person notices sudden shortness of breath without apparent reason, it could be a sign of lung disease. Many lung conditions compromise lung health and make people feel out of breath or energy, even without physical exertion.

Chronic cough
When a cough lasts more than eight weeks, it should not be ignored. Chronic cough is an early symptom of many lung diseases that damage the organ. Those experiencing this symptom should visit a health expert to determine the cause.

Excess mucus in the airways
The lungs’ airways create mucus, sputum, or phlegm to protect themselves from diseases or irritations. However, excess mucus in the airways for over a month could be a sign of lung disease and should not be ignored.

Coughing up blood
Coughing up blood is a symptom of a severe lung disease that calls for immediate expert attention. Blood in the phlegm usually occurs due to damage in the upper respiratory tract or lung cancer.

Chest pain or discomfort
Chest pain or discomfort is a hallmark sign of heart disease, but the lungs, too, can induce the pain. Inflammation in the lungs irritates the lining in the chest region, resulting in chronic chest pain, which worsens when one coughs or breathes.

Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain is typically considered a sign of inflammation or muscle sprains. But if a person has not performed any activity that could have hurt their shoulder but still has aches, they should discuss the symptom with a doctor.

Blue fingernails
When affected by severe lung disease, the body’s tissues do not get adequate oxygen. A lack of oxygen causes color changes in particular body parts (also known as cyanosis), especially in fingernails, lips, and skin. These parts turn blue, dark purple, or gray, becoming more noticeable as the diseases progress.

Many think lung diseases occur due to old age or a lack of physical activity. But that is not true. Lung diseases affect millions of people of all ages regardless of their activity levels. Like other ailments, they come with a set of warning symptoms. Understanding the signals from the organ and acting early to treat the condition can help people maintain their lung health   in the long run.

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