7 urinating mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

7 urinating mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder

The bladder is a crucial organ that stores urine until it is released from the body. It is important to maintain good bladder health. However, many people make urinating mistakes that can affect their bladder and overall health. People of all genders and ages can experience bladder issues. But factors like childbirth, menopause can make women more vulnerable to bladder problems. Aging can further weaken the bladder. It hence becomes necessary to avoid peeing mistakes.

Holding the pee in
One of the most common mistakes is holding the pee in for too long. This can put extra pressure on the bladder and cause it to weaken over time. This can also lead to a range of other issues like urinary tract infections and kidney stones. To avoid this peeing mistake, take a bathroom break as soon as needed. If you do not have a bathroom around you, ensure you make a pit stop and relieve yourself immediately.

Emptying the bladder halfway
Another mistake that needs to be avoided is not emptying the bladder completely when going to the bathroom. Leaving urine in the system can increase the risk of infections and other related health problems. Try changing positions that help the urine flow out easily if you feel like your bladder isn’t completely empty.

Putting strain on the pelvic muscles and bladder can weaken them over time. This can cause issues like incontinence and other problems. To avoid straining the bladder try to relax and take deep breaths so that the urine flows out naturally.

Not drinking enough water
Not maintaining your hydration level is yet another urinating mistake that needs to be avoided for a healthy bladder. When one is dehydrated, their urine is more concentrated, which causes irritation in the bladder and leads to infections. This can easily be avoided by drinking enough water throughout the day. Aim to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water per day. Add some lemon or other fruit slices to the water to spruce up its taste. Adjust the number of glasses based on weather and activity levels.

Hydrating the wrong way
Just like not drinking enough water can impact bladder health, drinking the wrong fluids can have a similar effect. Drinks like tea, coffee, aerated drinks, and certain other drinks can cause bladder irritation. This can make the bladder more prone to infections. Try to limit the intake of these drinks to avoid bladder health concerns. And if you do rely on these drinks, make sure you have plenty of water alongside them to flush them out and manage the after effects.

Using harsh skin products
The skin in the intimate area is sensitive. When exposed to harsh soaps and other chemicals it can irritate the skin and cause inflammation. This can increase the chances of bladder infections and lead to discomfort. To avoid these side effects, it is better to use milder cleansers and other products that are specifically designed for use on the genital area. Make sure to avoid products with perfumes and fragrances.

Avoiding good hygiene practices
Keeping the intimate area clean is critical for good bladder health. It is the easiest way to avoid urinary tract infections. Good hygiene practices include regularly cleaning the intimate area with soap and warm water. Once done, dry the region thoroughly and put on clean, breathable innerwear.

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