7 signs of insufficient water intake

7 signs of insufficient water intake

Many of us have set reminders or installed apps on our phones that remind us to drink water. But most of us often fail to heed those reminders and get tempted to have coffee, tea, or soda instead of a glass of water. Sadly, giving in to this temptation is one of the reasons so many of us today are dealing with health issues and a host of other side effects.

Persistent headaches
A major part of the brain is comprised of water. When a person does not drink sufficient water, persistent headaches can occur as a side effect. So the next time someone has a headache, instead of using a prescription treatment, they should try drinking a glass or two of water to manage the headache.

Mental fog
The body and the brain are almost three-quarters water. This makes drinking water a crucial part of staying healthy with a sharp brain. It has been suggested that dehydration can negatively impact your productivity and memory power. If a person experiences brain fog oftentimes, drinking more water might just help.

Hormone imbalance and stress are not the only things that can make a person cranky. Dehydration is a fair contributor as well. A person’s emotions are heightened with a low level of water in the body. Studies suggest that as little as a one percent decrease in water levels can significantly change one’s mood. If someone unexpectedly feels irritated or moody throughout the day, they can rely on a glass of water.

When an individual is dehydrated, their body does not create sufficient energy. This, in turn, increases the cravings for sugary snacks. But snacks won’t help remedy your dehydration in the long run. It is advisable to have a glass of water before a meal. That should give the person an idea about how hungry they really are.

Slow metabolism
Water levels in the body will reflect in every bodily function. One such common side effect of insufficient water intake is a slower metabolism. This is often accompanied by a lower energy level. All of this can be easily avoided by simply maintaining adequate hydration levels.

Increased risk of stroke
Studies have indicated that dehydration can significantly increase a person’s risk of having a stroke. It can also result in prolonged recovery time. To keep the body in shape and maintain cardiovascular health, it is important to avoid being dehydrated. One can detect dehydration by the color of urine. If the urine is dark yellow, it is a sign to start drinking more water.

Low energy
Plummeting levels of energy are often associated with low levels of water intake. If a person fails to maintain the right amount of water intake throughout the day, they will be affected by that afternoon slump. This can prevent them from continuing with work and make them feel tired and lethargic.

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