7 early warning signs of weakening bones

7 early warning signs of weakening bones

Eating nutritious food, getting some exercise every day, and ensuring the correct levels of hormones keep the bones healthy. Health conditions like osteoporosis could weaken bones, making them brittle and leading to frequent fractures. While there are management methods, such as therapies and lifestyle changes, to improve weaker bones, identifying the complication at its earliest is crucial. An early diagnosis is only possible if one takes note of these early warning signs of weakening bones.

Problems with holding objects
An individual with osteoporosis might have trouble holding objects because of weaker grip strength. This is one of the most common signs of osteoporosis that occurs with age. Patients might have trouble pushing heavy doors, standing up, and rotating door knobs. Those with these symptoms must get themselves checked by a healthcare expert.

Gum recession
Gum recession is when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, exposing the underlying roots. Multiple factors, including aggressive brushing, genetics, and unhealthy lifestyle habits, could lead to this. However, sometimes it could be triggered due to the loss of bone mineral density. Since the teeth and jaw bones are connected, if the jaw starts to lose bone mineral density, it could result in receding gums. And this should be diagnosed by a healthcare professional immediately.

Unexpected fractures
One of the most noticeable symptoms of osteoporosis is frequent fractures. Since the condition leads to weaker bones, an individual may suffer a fracture even after experiencing a minor fall or applying too much pressure while stepping off a curb. Furthermore, such fractures may also be caused by a really strong cough or sneeze that is really strong. Such symptoms require immediate assistance from a healthcare expert.

Stooped posture
Several people who lose bone mineral density may develop compressed vertebrae. And this could result in a slight curving of the upper back, resulting in a stooped posture (kyphosis). Therefore, those with these symptoms must visit a healthcare expert immediately.

Breathing difficulties
The compression of the spine due to bone loss or fracture may also cause difficulties with breathing. The abnormal curvature of the spine could prevent the ribs from fully expanding while inhaling. So if an individual experiences a sudden irregularity in their breathing, it is likely that their bones are getting weaker. Patients experiencing this should get themselves checked immediately.

Reduction in height
A reduction in height is one of the most common early warning signs for individuals with osteoporosis. People could grow shorter by about one and a half inches after age 40 over 10-year intervals. But other reasons like loss of bone mineral density can also cause this phenomenon. For example, the health complication could trigger compression fractures in the spine and lead to the loss of height.

Brittle fingernails
An individual’s fingernails could turn brittle and weak because of activities they indulge in, such as swimming and gardening. But if they notice these complications without partaking in such activities, it might indicate osteoporosis. Such symptoms should be diagnosed and managed immediately under a healthcare expert’s guidance.

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