6 mistakes that affect sleep quality

6 mistakes that affect sleep quality

Sleep is an essential component of a healthy life and overall well-being, but many overlook its importance. Getting adequate sleep ensures that the mind and body are relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle all the challenges of the day. However, getting the recommended hours of sleep at a stretch can require more than just sticking to a strict sleep schedule. Common reasons for inadequate sleep could be poor lifestyle choices.

Choosing heavy meals
Digestion can be an energy-consuming activity. Eating heavy meals close to bedtime can lead to acid reflux and indigestion and potentially wreck your sleep quality. It is best to have dinner at least three hours before bed and ensure that it is a light meal. Additionally, avoid caffeine and other stimulating drinks for a minimum of 5 hours before bedtime to ensure uninterrupted sleep.

Engaging in stimulating activities
Playing video games, watching television, and scrolling through endless social media feeds can disrupt sleep quality. These activities make it difficult for the brain to wind down and relax. So, you end up with an overactive mind when you would rather be sound asleep. So, consider avoiding screen time and extremely stimulating activities at bedtime if you are trying to improve your sleep quality and the amount of rest you get.

Engaging in vigorous exercise
As important as it is to exercise regularly, doing so right before bedtime can interfere with your sleep quality. Vigorous physical activity helps stimulate the body by increasing heart rate and blood pressure, making it difficult to fall asleep. Avoid any kind of exercise two hours before bedtime to clock in enough hours of interruption-free sleep.

Not having a routine
If you want to improve sleep quality, a bedtime routine will help you reach that goal. A strict routine helps the body understand that it is time to wind down, sending a signal to the mind. Going from being active and jumping into bed can make falling asleep difficult. Additionally, it will disrupt your sleep. Establishing a relaxing routine with activities that help your mind and body relax can ensure good quality sleep. Soothing activities include taking a warm bath, meditating, or reading a book.

Overlooking the sleep environment
The environment during bedtime contributes to the quality of sleep you get. If the room is loud, messy, too bright, or even uncomfortable, it will make falling asleep difficult. So, consider creating a calming, sleep-conducive environment. Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool around bedtime. If that isn’t feasible, consider using eye masks, ear plugs, or white noise machines that will block out other noises and help you fall asleep quickly.

Using electronic devices
All electronic devices emit blue light, which can hinder melatonin production in the body. Melatonin is a sleep-regulation hormone that is crucial for sound sleep. So, using blue-light-emitting devices right before bedtime can disrupt your sleep cycle. For the body to produce enough melatonin for restful sleep, it is best to avoid any and all electronics for at least an hour before going to bed.

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